Sunday, January 27, 2013

Transfer Week

Dear children and grandchildren,

This week has just flown by.  On Monday, we visited 4 of the elders apartments for apartment check to make sure they were cleaning them and to find out what they needed.  It took 6 hours.  Then on Tuesday, I made food for transfer day for the elders coming in.  We had 5 elders leave and one couple, and we had 5 new elders come in.  Since our Berbice couple went home, we drove the 4 elders going to Berbice home to their new areas.  It was a long day, 2 hours to Berbice and 2 hours home.  
On Thursday and Friday, we did finances and office work and on Saturday, we emptied out an apartment which the elders no longer use.  Today, we went visiting 4 families who our branch president assigned us to home teach.  I love visiting them.  They haven't had home teachers for a while and they always welcome us like angels from heaven.  One family, the Persauds are really good gardeners and they have given us gardening advice on how to raise vegetables in the soil here.  We are starting to get pole beans from the seeds that Jared and Deborah gave us.

Happy birthday to you, Nathan on Saturday.  We always think of Grandpa Beutler on that day since that was his birthday also.  Nathan, if you could have known him, you would have enjoyed singing a duet with him.  He had perfect pitch and had a good baritone voice.  It sounded very much like John Luthi's voice from the Voice Male group.

Aaron, thank you again for cleaning off the viruses from our internet. The Skype is working fine again.  What would we ever do without your help.  

We don't have much else to tell you this week so take care and we love all of you very much.  Love, Mom and Dad

PS Sister Beutler is getting more acclimatized and is learning to enjoy the missionary work. That's good.

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